Our main office in Deerfield, MA oversees many thriving prison projects all promoting mindfulness and meditation programs in prisons and underserved communities around the world.
Path of

The Path of Freedom (PoF) program is a mindfulness-based, emotional intelligence (MBEI), and integral approach to self-transformation for at-risk and incarcerated youth and adult prisoners. The program has received very positive reviews from experts in the corrections field. We offer introductory online trainings for those wishing to facilitate the POF.

In 2011 we launched our first research initiative to assess the impact of our Path of Freedom curriculum, integrating mindfulness practice with cognitive-behavioral training and social emotional learning. We currently have several mindfulness research projects in the works.
Books Behind Bars

We have distributed over 100,000 books to prisoners since 1989. All books donated are donated by people like you.
We also support chaplains and prison libraries by providing books and downloadable materials.
Mindfulness Institute

In 2015 we launched an intensive mindfulness teacher training (MTT300) and certification program geared for people who aspire to work with underserved populations.
Mindful Justice Initiative

The first Mindful Justice conference, which took place in September 2015, brought together the pioneers of mindfulness-based programming in the criminal justice system, as well as teachers, researchers, and policy-makers to explore a shared vision for system-wide transformation drawing on the principles of mindfulness.
Prison Dharma Press

PDN publishes several books on prison dharma, including Sitting Inside: Buddhist Practice in America's Prisons and Dharma in Hell: Prison Writings of Fleet Maull.
Mindfulness in Public Safety

CMPS is engaged in mindfulness-based and trauma-informed professional development and wellness programs for public safety professionals including law enforcement, corrections, the courts and reentry services, and first responders. Over 2,200 public safety professionals, corrections professionals, and first responders have completed our MBWR training program.
Prison Dharma Network

We organized an international network of prison mindfulness (including meditation, prison dharma, yoga, and other contemplative practices) organizations, prisoners, and volunteers.
Inside Classes

We have several ongoing weekly Path of Freedom, mindfulness and yoga classes at various facilities in Massachusetts and at the ACI in Rhode Island for men and women prisoners.