Path of Freedom Facilitator Certification Requirements
The PMI Path of Freedom Facilitator Certification requires approximately 300 hours of additional training (plus 50 hours of practice teaching the POF).
Complete Intro: Complete a six-week online “Intro to the Path of Freedom” course with passing grades on all tests (past participants can retake the tests to achieve passing grades for this requirement). Engaged in all discussions.
Mindfulness Teacher Certification: Complete our MTT300-Hr EMI Mindfulness Teacher Certification or one of the three programs listed below. Due to the plethora of mindfulness teacher trainings now available online, we will only accept certifications from programs we recognize as on the same level of training as our own EMI training, such as the MARC Training UCLA, Mindfulness Training Institute, or the MBSR (Brown) 3-6 year teacher training program. You will need to provide a teaching certificate of completion from one of these programs AND a letter of recommendation from a teacher/mentor in the program you completed.
Evaluation & Recommendation: Receive a positive evaluation and written recommendation from a senior EMI/PMI faculty or another lead teacher from the Mindfulness Teacher Certification Program you completed.
Practice Teaching: Complete 50 hours of documented Path of Freedom facilitation (supervised by an approved Path of Freedom mentor–supervision can be done via webcam–contact us if you wish to begin this step. This step will require regular online reporting post-classes you lead) Note: You can begin working on your 50 hours of supervised POF facilitation following the Intro webinar, and before or during your Mindfulness Teacher Training. Just ensure you set up the PMI POF mentoring and reporting process with us. Hours you have taught *before setting up this process will not count.
Recordings: Submit four (4) 20-minute videotapes on Zoom technology of your leading Path of Freedom course material
Final Interview: Zoom interview with Path of Freedom Certification Committee after all other requirements are satisfied.
Note: The PMI Certification Committee reserves the right to ask any participant to complete further training and/or practice teaching prior to granting Path of Freedom Facilitator certification.
PMI Certified POF Facilitators
Gail Jackson
Dan Fietsam
Zach Richards
Glynn Dunbar
John MacAdams (senior teacher)
Marc Hayes-Dunne
Bay Thongtheppairot
Bill Resnick
Gail Bennett
Michael Christie
Chris Luard
Barbara George
Robert Ohlemiller
Lori Laser
Wade Iverson
Claire Servyk
Linda Markowitz
Ed Smith
Tommy Houseworth
Barti Bourgault
K. Vita Pires-Crisp (senior teacher & trainer)
Fleet Maull (senior teacher & and trainer)
Mark O’Leary
Buck Reidy
Nealy Zimmerman
Ariel Pliskin
Micah Thanhauser
Geoff Taylor
Julie Paquette-Moore
Ken Flanders
Stephen Barry
Lee Lewis
North Carolina:
George Coan
Sheila Garrick
Meghan Slining
Kenny Hunt
Laurie Johnson
Doug McCanne
Ry Moore
Christine Kirk
Debra Callahan
Gary Schapiro
Margie Minkler
Rhode Island:
Rebecca Foster (Senior Teacher)
Richard Sylvester
Jonah David
Susan Phoenix
Paul Mooney
Michael Watkins
James Frank
Jamie Reygle
Gale Brock
West Virginia
Lauren Wadsworth
Sandy Inkster
Jozo Novak
Pake Hall