In partnership with Tricycle Magazine we offer PMI and Tricycle Meditation kits for download.
Tricycle Meditation Kit is a 21-page pdf file with various meditation instructions and a short yoga session instruction.
Path of Freedom Our Meditation Kit is Chapter One from K.Vita Pires-Crisp's "Path of Freedom" workbook including detailed meditation instructions, tips, posture, 'what is mindfulness' and walking meditation instructions.
Being a Source by our founder, Dr. Fleet Maull, encourages prisoners to start a meditation group.
PDN's Buddhist Glossary a glossary of frequently used Buddhist terms.
Other Resources
Discovering Ethics: A Study Guide for Inmates (for use with the book Ethics for a New Millenium by H.H. Dalai Lama)
How to Make a Zafu (Zen meditation cushion)
Books Behind Bars Program
PDN provides bulk shipments of books on meditation, Buddhism, and other contemplative practices and teachings from the world's great faith and wisdom traditions to prison chaplains and prison libraries.
Quaker women's Article "Wish We Had Been Told"
Buddhist Resource Material from Naljor Prison Dharma
Naljor donated their downloadable resources to us...thanks Neil!
Eight Verses
Four Noble Truths
Metta Sutta
The Bodhsattva Way of Life
The Four Immeasurables
The Heart Practice of Tonglen
The Six Paramitas
Transforming the Three Poisons
Twenty Seven Verses
Glossary of Buddhist Terms
Project World Service
Naljor Resource Directory for Prisoners